Global Industrie 2025: Events Within the Event

global industrie

The largest industrial event in France bringing together all the players in the sector, Global Industrie brings  together the key players in the various sectors around major industrial advances.  

Between technological demonstrations, conferences and thematic areas, the show will highlight French  manufacturing (Origine France Garantie), connected logistics (with the Connected Warehouse by GI),  industrial 5G (Summit 5G) and metrology (International Congress of Metrology). Finally, with the Festival de  l’Industrie, it will also create a dialogue between innovation and creativity, highlighting the dynamism of an  industry in full transformation.  

Origin France Guarantie  

Located in the lobby of Global Industrie, the Origine France Garantie area will exhibit Origine France  Garantie certified products, meaning that they have been 100% manufactured in France and that at least  50% of the product’s manufacturing costs (including raw materials) are of French origin. Centered around the Human being, this space will exhibit everyday products ranging from bicycles and  electric scooters to dishwashers, including fashion… but also the 5 millionth Toyota Yaris Cross, decked  out for the occasion in blue, white and red. All these creations will promote French know-how and its  impact on the number of associated jobs. 

In partnership with: Origine France Garantie 

L’Entrepôt Connecté by GI  

At the heart of the brand new “handling, logistics, storage, lifting” village, this connected warehouse will  offer a global vision of technologies embodying the future of logistics and handling operations. Designed  in partnership with Proxinnov, recognized for its expertise in industrial robotics, this scripted tour will  immerse visitors in concrete and operational demonstrations illustrating the real needs of manufacturers.  At each stage of the journey, this immersive and innovative experience will highlight proven solutions,  while highlighting the importance of technological innovation. Visitors will witness a real “logistics ballet”,  orchestrated by autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and will discover cobots, machine vision systems,  latest-generation conveyors, ergonomic solutions and much more. 

The picking area will bring together workstations with vertical storage, pick-to-light and dedicated cobots,  to optimize order picking. 

The cockpit room will allow performance indicators to be visualized in real time and will familiarize visitors  with the advantages of visual management and MES (Manufacturing Execution System) systems. The ergonomics area will offer the opportunity to test tools such as exoskeletons or zero-gravity arms,  designed to relieve operators and improve productivity. 

The Innovation Lab will explore the latest trends in robotics and logistics, such as inventory drones or  connected equipment for the factory of the future.

Summit 5G  

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 – Mezzanine 5 + 6  

For the first time, Global Industrie will host a 5G Summit bringing together experts, decision-makers and  opinion leaders to decipher the challenges of industrial 5G. This event will offer a comprehensive overview  of the opportunities offered by this technology to accelerate the digital transformation of companies and  will link with the new 5G, AI and cybersecurity village set up at Global Industrie.  

Conferences, round tables and practical workshops will punctuate the day, promoting exchanges and the  sharing of experiences on deployment and financing, with presentations of concrete use cases.  The following will be discussed :  

• The France 2030 projects;  

• Delivery and trends in Industrial 5G;  

• Focus France / 2024-2025 projects: a solid anchor for the future of 5G;  

• International focus / international industrial 5G: trends, projects and concrete cases from the USA,  Canada and Germany; 

• Focus on financing / Financial and extra-financial opportunities to deploy industrial 5G: accelerate  your transformation. 

Workshops and practical sessions (of your choice): 

• 5G: the technology that meets the specific and varied needs of industries;  

• Access 5G platforms, campuses and FabLabs: excellence at the service of your transformation;  • 5G frequencies: methodology, access and resilience for an optimal network;  • ROI of industrial 5G, the concrete results. 

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