RENOLIT Reorganizes Executive Board

Michael Kundel

Karsten Jänicke takes over as Chief Executive Officer from Michael Kundel / Torsten Maschke is appointed to the Executive Board / Michael Kundel moves to the Supervisory Board

The polymer processor RENOLIT will have a new Chief Executive Officer as of January 1, 2025. After 16 years, Michael Kundel is handing over the chairmanship to Karsten Jänicke. In May 2025, Michael Kundel will take up a seat on the Supervisory Board of RENOLIT. Torsten Maschke will take over the vacant position on the Executive Board.

Karsten Jänicke has been with RENOLIT for 16 years. He has many years of experience in managing an operational business unit and as an Executive Board member: from 2008 to 2019, he was General Manager of the Interior Surfaces Market Unit. Since then, he has been responsible for the Interior Surfaces, Roof & Water Care and Pool Market Units on the Executive Board. 

“My thanks go to our owner family and our Supervisory Board, who have expressed their confidence in us all that we can continue to lead RENOLIT on this successful path together,” says Karsten Jänicke. “There will be no shortage of challenges, but we are convinced that we will be able to master all of them as before.”

As Chief Executive Officer, Karsten Jänicke will be responsible for the Market Units Exterior Solutions, Roof & Water Care and Pool from January 1, 2025. He also heads the Corporate Units Corporate Finance & Administration, Corporate People & Empowerment, Corporate Communications and Corporate Development.

Maschke appointed to Executive Board

Torsten Maschke is a new member of the RENOLIT Executive Board. The new Executive Board member spent 20 years in various management positions at the Freudenberg Group and five years on the Executive Board of the Dätwyler Group in Switzerland. He has extensive experience in the rubber and plastics industry across various customer sectors.

Torsten Maschke will join the RENOLIT Executive Board on October 1, 2024. He will take over the responsibility for the Interior Surfaces and Composites Market Units from January 2025.

Thomas Sampers and Sven Behrendt remain members of the four-person RENOLIT Executive Board. Thomas Sampers will continue to be responsible for the Healthcare Market Unit in the future and will also head it. In addition to the Protect Market Unit, Sven Behrendt will also be responsible for the Market Unit Visual Communication.

“We have reorganized the Executive Board and redistributed the areas of responsibility. Our new Executive Board team wants to usher in the next era of our 78-year company development. We look forward to shaping the future of RENOLIT together with all our employees,” says Karsten Jänicke.

Kundel joins the Supervisory Board

After more than 21 years on the Executive Board – including 16 years as Chief Executive Officer – Michael Kundel will not be renewing his expiring Executive Board contract. The outgoing Chief Executive Officer will take up a seat on the Supervisory Board of RENOLIT SE in May 2025.

“On behalf of the entire Supervisory Board, I would like to sincerely thank Michael Kundel for his outstanding work and tireless commitment over the past two decades,” says Andreas Lang, Chairman of the Supervisory Board and co-owner of RENOLIT. “RENOLIT has developed successfully under his leadership. We are delighted that he will continue to support the company with his expertise on the Supervisory Board in the future.”

Anja Fischer, Chairwoman of the Advisory Board and co-owner, adds: “As shareholder families, we are very confident about the future. We are convinced that we will continue to develop RENOLIT successfully with the new Executive Board from January 2025.”

Michael Kundel began his career at RENOLIT in 1993 as Head of Controlling, was appointed to the Executive Board in 2003 and became Chief Executive Officer in 2008. Over the past two decades, he has played a key role in shaping the company’s development. During his time, RENOLIT has evolved from a company with a very European focus into a veritable, internationally positioned group – and has been able to significantly increase both sales and earnings as well as the number of employees.

“The decision was not an easy one for me, as I have really grown fond of RENOLIT and its people,” says Michael Kundel, explaining his decision. “But after many successful years, it is ultimately a rational decision. I want to give the new Executive Board enough time to set the course for the future and lead RENOLIT successfully into the next decade.”

Michael Kundel will continue his voluntary work for the regional economy. He will remain Vice President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for Rheinhessen and will continue to promote the interests of the economy and vocational training.

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