Fieldcode Makes It Easy to Integrate with ServiceNow 


Fieldcode, recognised for its innovative Zero-Touch field service management (FSM)  software, has provided a straightforward integration with ServiceNow, a leading IT service  management platform. This integration enhances field service operations by automating  workflows, optimizing scheduling, and ensuring real-time data synchronization between  the two platforms. 

Through the Fieldcode-ServiceNow adapter, businesses easily connect their systems,  allowing them to assign and schedule tasks for their mobile workforce with both accuracy  and speed. This integration is a vital tool for managing work orders, incidents, and service  requests, and delivers lasting value for ServiceNow users. 

Key benefits of the Fieldcode-ServiceNow integration include: 

Automated ticket management: Work orders and incidents created in  ServiceNow are automatically submitted to Fieldcode, where they are scheduled  and assigned based on technician availability and expertise. 

Elimination of manual data entry: Data from Fieldcode is seamlessly synchronized  with ServiceNow, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk  of errors. 

Enhanced workflow efficiency: With automated scheduling, route optimization,  and real-time data sharing, service teams can respond faster to customer needs  and complete tasks more efficiently. 

Immediate billing and reporting: Validated work orders are instantly transferred  back to ServiceNow, enabling quick invoicing and providing real-time visibility into  job status and service outcomes. 

“By connecting Fieldcode’s Zero-Touch automation processes with ServiceNow’s robust IT  service management capabilities, we’re offering a comprehensive solution that enhances efficiency, reduces operational costs, and improves service quality,” said Matthias Lübko,  CEO of Fieldcode. 

The Fieldcode-ServiceNow integration is designed to be user-friendly, requiring no  technical knowledge for setup. With a simple plug-and-play approach, businesses can  quickly implement the integration and start benefiting from simultaneous data exchange  between the platforms. 

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