Cranfield University joins Avio Aero Innovation Cluster

Avio Aero

Cranfield University has become part of an industry innovation cluster which aims to address the complex challenges of the future of flight through close collaborative work. The European Technology Development Clusters (E-TDCs) established by Avio Aero brings together prestigious universities, research centres and SMEs, and Cranfield is now a partner in the research framework.

The partnership combines industry awareness of market needs and technology excellence, with Cranfield’s deep expertise and academic excellence in manufacturing and materials. Across the E-TDCs, companies are working on common technology development projects aligned to industry needs.

Cranfield University’s experts in manufacturing led by Stewart Williams, Professor of Welding Science and Engineering, are engaged in the partnership.

Professor Williams said: “Close working with industry is a vital part of innovation, and it’s something that we have done at Cranfield for a long time. The next generation of materials and manufacturing techniques in aerospace are advancing at pace, so it’s exciting to be part of this network and contributing to industry developments.”

Avio Aero is a GE Aerospace company that designs, manufactures, and maintains components and propulsion systems for civil and military aviation.

About Cranfield University

Cranfield is a specialist postgraduate university that is a global leader for education and transformational research in technology and management. The most recent Research Excellence Framework results demonstrate Cranfield University’s excellence with 88% of research rated as world-leading or internationally excellent.

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