The World’s First National Campaign to Save Our Sewers and Seas

The World’s First National Campaign to Save Our Sewers and Seas : A new awareness month and national campaign has launched to help save marine life from plastic pollution and prevent fatbergs from destroying the sewer network. Unblocktober, led by Lanes Group plc – the UK’s largest privately owned drainage contractor – challenges the British public to make small changes to their kitchen and bathroom habits for the calendar month of October in order to protect the environment. In just under a month, closed pre-registration has already seen over 1,000 people sign up to take part. Unblocktober participants will commit to putting none of the following down their sinks or loos: Cooking oil – pre or post-cooking Margarine Butter Lard Cooking sauces and condiments Food – even crumbs Wet wipes Tampons, applicators and wrappers Sanitary/menstrual pads and towels Nappies Condoms Cotton buds Contact lenses Bandages and plasters Razor blades Dental floss Michelle Ringland, Head of Marketing at Lanes Group, said: “When fats, oils and grease (FOG) such as the above are poured down the drain, they collect in the sewers and begin to harden into big congealed masses – commonly known as ‘fatbergs’ – that cause serious blockages. Lanes Group itself works on between 400-600 fatberg-related drainage issues each month, including the ‘monster’ Whitechapel fatberg in 2017, which weighed 130 tonnes and was 250 metres long.” Such blockages often lead to flooding, pollution and, potentially, public health problems when foul water ends up on streets and in homes. The problem is further compounded when items that contain plastic and other non-biodegradable materials are flushed down toilets. This causes fatbergs to grow even bigger, and also ultimately leads to plastic pollution in our rivers, seas, oceans and watercourses. “By taking part in Unblocktober, the nation can help significantly reduce the impact of the bad habits adopted in so many kitchens and bathrooms across the country,” Michelle added. In a national survey, the company found that 48% of the nation pour fats, oils and grease (FOG) down their drains. In addition, according to Southern Water, more than 3,000 homes are flooded in the UK every year because of FOG blockages and fatbergs, while £90 million is spent annually clearing fatbergs. Furthermore, Lanes’ survey found that 46% of the female population have flushed tampons down the toilet in the past, while 20% of men have flushed condoms. In addition, 48% have flushed wet wipes labelled as ‘flushable’ down the toilet. Michelle said: “Unblocktober is the awareness month that the environment needs right now. By taking part and changing their kitchen and bathroom habits very slightly for a month, the British public can help solve two critical problems: the millions of tonnes of plastic being dumped into watercourses and the environmental and structural damage caused by sewer blockages. “We have the opportunity to drive real behavioural and environmental change in the UK at a critical time. If we can join together this October as a nation – from toddlers to OAPs – and make the same commitment together, the improvements to the health of the environment we live in will be huge. And even more effective if we can continue these habits beyond October.” The World’s First National Campaign to Save Our Sewers and Seas Manufacturing & Engineering Magazine | The Home of Manufacturing Industry News