Automechanika Frankfurt Is Looking for the Smartest Driver

Automechanika Frankfurt Is Looking for the Smartest Driver

The FIA Smart Driving Challenge Subevent sponsored by Automechanika will take place from March to the end of June 2022. In March and April, participants will be able to practice in weekly pre-challenges; in May and June, the actual weekly challenges will take place to select the winner.

Modelled on the global FIA Smart Driving Challenge, the goal of FIA SDC Subevent is to help exhibitors and visitors of Automechanika Frankfurt assess their impact on road safety and CO2-emissions when at the wheel, and encourage them to adopt sustainable, environmentally friendly and safe driving in an enjoyable way.

“The FIA Smart Driving Challenge aims to put everyone in the driver seat when it comes to making their road environments safer and more sustainable. Partnering with Automechanika Frankfurt is a great opportunity to have exhibitors and visitors of the world’s leading trade fair for the automotive service industry lead the way for safe and sustainable driving. Let’s make a difference together!”, said Onika Miller, FIA Secretary General for Automobile Mobility and Tourism ad interim.

Indeed, by joining, motorists can quickly learn how to drive smarter and reduce their environmental impact as well as their risk of being involved in a crash thanks to the analysis of their driving patterns in real-time carried out by the Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology used in the challenge and developed by Greater Than.

The AI has been trained with real-time driving data since 2004, with billions of kilometers of real car driving worldwide. To date, the database consists of 7 billion unique driver DNAs that make it possible for the algorithms to predict risk for crash probability and CO2 impact per individual driver in real-time. Thanks to AI, when participants drive, they get a score allowing to establish a ranking. The higher the score is, the smartest the driving pattern is.

Olaf Mußhoff, Director of Automechanika Frankfurt, explains: “We are happy to engage in this adventure. In this way, we are not only bringing all motorists together across borders in the spirit of a sustainable driving style, but also enhancing international networking among the Automechanika community before the fair.”

Equipped with a smartphone app connected to the vehicle via Bluetooth, motorists can take part in the competition and win the race for the world’s most efficient driving style. The winner with the highest score will be honoured at Automechanika Frankfurt in September 2022.

“To share the word about safe and eco-friendly driving with Automechanika Frankfurt, the world’s largest trade fair, congress, and event organizer, is a fantastic opportunity. Reaching out and further raising awareness about road safety can significantly help save lives and fight climate change,” says Johanna Forseke, CEO Greater Than Svenska AB.

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